Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Crazypants! Clothes for $1.00 per Piece

Had a dizzy afternoon at the Ark on the 1200 block of N. Milwaukee Ave (in Chicago).
Partly dizzy owing to low blood sugar and the very tight aisles, partly to the happiness of being distracted from real life worries, mostly to the "blowout" prices.
Blowout is a most unfortunate word, I will forever associate with diaper accidents.
Crazy or sensible pants and tops if marked $1.00 were $1.00.
Clothes marked  $15.00 or less were $1.00.
Clothes marked $16.00 or more were 1/2 price.
Seems that "clothes" does not mean shoes, scarves, coats and jackets, but still thousands of choices in cashmere, wool, linen, denims galore!
This applies to today and tomorrow, not sure for how much longer.
If any local readers please go forth and enjoy.
For some reason, my choices were pants-heavy, probably because I could not carry any more after a while. Olive green jeans for husband & son, silk pajama pants, gray career (Talbot) slacks for me, linen pants for son, a couple of silk tops for self and daughter, french blue shirt for son, and, and, what?, I don't even know.  15 things for about $16.50.

Also, happy Packi Day , yum yum.


Jessica@CapeofDreams said...

Wow. Those are crazy prices. I wish I were back in Chicago now.mi lived in Lake Forest for four years.

tess said...

The frigid temperatures might change your mind. ;-)
Lake Forest is beautiful. You must have happy memories.

Shelley said...

Gosh, what an amazing sale - I'm quite envious. I do love Chicago. We visited a few years ago and really enjoyed the walking tours of architecture during the art deco period. I learned a lot and took millions of photos. We loved it so much Bill got confused about the date we were to fly home and we showed up 24-hours late. It cost $500 more to get home but he went so far as to say it was 'worth it'. I didn't care for the shock of being told we'd missed the flight, but it turned out OK. I figure we just paid a 'stupid tax'.

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